CGS preparation for First Penance and First Communion is available to any child enrolled in Level II or III who is ready. It is preferred that children have completed a full year of Level II prior to their Sacrament year. Children belonging to other parishes are welcome to participate in CGS sacramental preparation, but must have permission from their pastor in order to receive their First Sacraments with CGS at Ascension.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sacrament preparation includes five evening meditations for parents and their children, as well as a three-day retreat for the children to intensively prepare for and celebrate the Sacraments.
The upcoming celebration of First Communion is announced to the children after Christmas and the catechist wonders aloud who Jesus might be calling to receive this great gift of Himself. The children respond according to their desire for the sacrament and their personal maturity. Their readiness is discerned together with the family, the catechists, and the priest. It is not automatic based on age; some seven-year-olds may not yet be ready.
Signs of readiness include:
Held in the church and accompanied by a parent, the children receive a series of one-hour weekly meditations on the True Vine, the Found Sheep and Found Coin, the Forgiving Father (aka Prodigal Son), and the Centurion's Servant.
During their retreat, children revisit the materials most directly related to First Penance and First Communion. They also create their First Missal, embroider cross necklaces, decorate their First Communion candle, practice receiving unconsecrated hosts and communion wine, and have the opportunity for Adoration. Father leads a reenactment of the Last Supper, answers the children's questions about confession, and demonstrates the Rite of Reconciliation by hearing a catechist's mock confession. He also says a special Mass that the children have planned, in which they do the readings, prayers of the faithful, and bring up the gifts.
Families arrive and Father guides the children through an examination of conscience based on the Maxims of Jesus. When they have finished their confessions, the children are invited forward to be vested by a parent or godparent in a white garment and to receive the Light of Christ from the Paschal candle, recalling that through the Sacrament of Reconciliation they have once again been returned to their Baptismal state. A final rehearsal follows for First Communion the next day.
The children process in carrying their First Communion candles, which are placed around the Paschal candle. After Mass the children process to the Mary statue for the May crowning, then return to the Atrium for a time of reflection and thanksgiving for the great gift that they have just received before returning home with their families.